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大弓 (draw [pull] the long-bow 吹牛)。
longbow  detail>>
draw the a long bow
夸大其词, 吹牛, 说大话  detail>>
draw the long bow
吹牛  detail>>
pull the a long bow
夸大其词, 吹牛, 说大话  detail>>
pull the long bow
夸大其词, 吹牛, 说大话  detail>>
draw a bow
挽弓 张弓  detail>>
arbalest longbow oyumi  detail>>
long bow
黑暗精灵弓 拥有此项技能的人物可以使用长弓  detail>>
long pull
长距离拖航 长期购入股票  detail>>
the long pull
酒店在规定分量之外添给主顾的酒或啤酒  detail>>
draw a bow at a venture
乱猜, 胡搞 随便开弓;做事不顾前后;瞎猜 做事不顾前后  detail>>
draw a bow lead
引弓  detail>>
draw bow and shoot tiger
弯弓射虎  detail>>
draw bar pull
拉杆牵引力 牵引杆拉力  detail>>
draw bar pull dynamometer
拉力表  detail>>
hand draw and pull diagram
手拉示功图  detail>>
pull-back draw bridge
拖曳桥  detail>>
fit an arrow and pull the bow
搭箭开弓  detail>>